Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Friday--Venice Day 2--Part 2

So many windows of incredible looking food....a foodies paradise for sure :). Too bad my eyes are always bigger than my stomach!

Melt in your mouth goodness

Hard crusty Italian bread....it does not get better than that

I want to take it all home with me

Just about anything in the window to draw you inside for a meal

I don't know this man...hot dogs and French fries on PIZZA???

Red, white and green...now that's Italian!

We both had pizza, then I had a quadruple scoop serving of gelato....piggy, piggy...but it was so good.

My eyes are always bigger then my stomach :)

How else am I expected to test all the flavors in such short period of time??? I'm trying to be efficient here...but my small capacity tummy is just not cooperating. I later learned from talking to several of my fellow cruise passengers, that it is a common goal while visiting Italy, to test every flavor of gelato in sight. All I can say is.....great minds think alike!

Have you had enough yet? Still more to come....let the eating continue...hey, it's calorie-free when you are just looking at pictures....step away from the fridge!

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