Sunday, September 12, 2010

ABCDEHIJLMN.....excuses, excuses

Yes, I did graduate high school, as you can witness by the ultimate proof in the photo below....however, I can promise you right now, my entries in this blog, will not and shall not be in any way, shape or form grammatically correct. It will be full of punctuation, spelling and various other writing faux pas...and that folks is just the way it's gonna be...sorry in advance. Please understand that most posts will be written at the end of a long day of touring. If I saved all my writing for our quiet relaxing (yeah right) sea days, you'd only see three posts at the end of a 12 night cruise. It's an intense itinerary, that's how these Mediterranean cruises roll...which actually works for us at this point in our lives. Who has a month to visit europe??? Sad to say, NOT me :(

Not sure why I am having an issue with this picture...hope this is not a sign of things to come...perhaps the link will work...sorry :( I really did graduate from high school!!!


I will also apologize in advance for some of my other bad writing habits, or speaking ones for that will be witness to my continuous (parentheticals), constant horrific run on perpetual........separating of thoughts.....with, dot, dots....and of course, my long winded recounts of what actually happened each day....whether you want to hear it or not. I'm guessing if you've read this far, you are in for the long haul, or maybe not :). Selfishly I'll admit, that this blog is as much for me as it is for you. I enjoy going back and reading about our past trips, and let's face it, when the alzheimers really kicks in, it will be the only way for me to recall where I've traveled during my life.

You've been warned, I try to be fair and include one of these disclaimers at the beginning of all my travelogues...proceed at your own risk. I'm pretty sure my Mom says I was born with a Phonograph needle in my head....the words just keeps going round and round and.....I am also well known for writing like I talk...on and on and on......And for those of you who see me in person on a daily, or not so daily occurrence, sorry if this tends to be repetitive upon my return...I am very guilty of that faux pas as well. When trying to make a point, or when I'm am very passionate about a subject, I tend to repeat an entire statement once or twice....I blame it all on being raised in a large family...if you wanted to be heard, you'd repeat yourself until someone paid attention....what can I say...old habits die hard!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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